1. Definitions

Downtime: A period of time in which the API or API management portal is completely inaccessible.

Usage issue: Any issue which blocks or impedes usage of the API or a particular set of endpoints. Section 3 (Issue Response) outlines how we handle usage issues, based on severity.

Standard operating hours for support: For the developer API, standard support operating hours are approximately 9am-4pm PST on business days (Monday-Friday, excluding Canadian statutory holidays).

2. Summary & Service Commitment

The SchedulePro Developer API is backed by SchedulePro's general-purpose SLA as well as Azure's SLA for API management.

We do not currently offer any service credits or reimbursement for users who experience less than 99.9% uptime.

3. Issue Response

Our issue response policy for the developer API is aligned as closely as possible with the general support agreement between your company and SchedulePro. If you are unsure about the details of this agreement, please contact the SchedulePro administrator for your company or contact us directly for more details.

As in the general-purpose SchedulePro SLA, issues are addressed based on severity. The severity levels from the general SchedulePro SLA are summarized as such:

  • Severity 1: Severity 1 issues disrupt business critical functions to the point that "all [...] end users are unable to use the core functionality of the [SchedulePro service] and there is no reasonable work around". The promised first response time is 60 minutes (both in and out of business hours) and promised resolution is within 24 hours. Currently, the issue resolution process for the developer API is NOT designed to handle severity 1 issues. If you anticipate that you will be running a business-critical application and require emergency contact and/or issue resolution outside of our standard operating hours as defined in section 1 above, please reach out to us about making special arrangements.

  • Severity 2: A severity 2 issue "severely limits the use of major functionality within the [SchedulePro service] and there is no reasonable work around" or "causes a complete inability to use the system for a small portion of the [...] end users". An example for the developer API would be that one or more API endpoints are inaccessible, dropping requests, or returning malformed/incorrect data. In the general SLA we commit to beginning work on severity 2 issues within 60 minutes of acknowledging the issue and providing full resolution within 5 business days. For issues related to API endpoints being inacessible or returning incorrect data, we will try our best to resolve them within 1-2 business days instead.

  • Severity 3: A severity 3 issue "causes a loss of functionality with moderate overall business impact to an individual or group and there is no reasonable work around". Examples for the developer API include abnormally slow response times, or a request to add a new endpoint. Severity 3 issues will be resolved within 30 business days.

  • Severity 4: Severity 4 issues cause little or no business impact and can be thought of as nice-to-haves or minor feature requests. We will acknowledge all severity 4 issues within 5 business days, and will incorporate them into our product roadmap with no committed resolution timeframe.

All issues with the SchedulePro Developer API should be handled through support@shiftboard.com. If you are contacting SchedulePro support, please include the phrase "developer API" in the email title and indicate the issue severity in the body of your email.

4. API Availability

The production API is subject to various limits regarding bandwidth and request allocations. These limits are as follows:

Calls/minute                        Concurrent connections by IP address                             Bandwidth/5 minutes                        Calls/5 minutes

1,000                                        10                                                                                                100mb                                                      2,000

All limits above are enforced on a per-customer basis (so two developers at the same company could only use 1,000 calls/minute combined), except for the concurrent requests, which are enforced by user IP address.

The test API is not subject to any bandwidth or request limits, but we do track and monitor usage to prevent abuse.